Friday 21 June 2013

Why do so many students fail Architecture?

Why do so many students fail Architecture?

In high school, teachers are blamed/questioned if students fail their exams, but at architecture school (university) it seems to be the other way round; it is the students who are blamed, every time. How is it possible, if the teaching is to a high standard, that students are unable to pass third year of architecture?

We're in the process of sending FOI (Freedom of Information) requests to all 44 schools of architecture in the uk to find out the number of casualties who fail their final degree year (RIBA Part 1). The findings will be reported here.

Goto the individual blog posts to read the exact number of students failed at each institution and the entrance requirements in order to gain entry.

The next step in our research is to compare these figures with another university course which has the same entrance requirements. The results will be interesting, but we think we already know the answer, since failing a final year is almost unheard of in any other university subject, unless something seriously bad happens in a student's life during the course of the year. Yet the brightest students are failed on the architecture course every year because their designs (or they) are not favoured.